One of the most irritating and inconveniencing dental issues that people face is when growths and bumps develop inside their mouths from bone or hard tissues, usually under the gums. While these issues normally cause more discomfort than severe pain, that entire idea goes out of the window in the cases where they break the gum line. They also become much more serious as well. One of the most common questions about these annoying little growths is how they are developed, and the truth there is that there could be a number of different causes from continued bone growth to masticatory hyperfunction. Today, we would like to take a minute and look at a couple of other possible contributors:
Genetics and Hereditary Causes
This wouldn't be the oddest thing that exists within a particular bloodline or that got passed down from generation to generation. It is entirely possible that some cases of excess or continual bone growth inside the mouth are nothing more than a unique family trait.
Diet or Other Behaviors and Practices
Other possible causes might include specific behaviors or habits of the individual dealing with the problem. Certain foods, minerals, or vitamins which are being absorbed by the body may be a factor, as well as bruxism. It has been noted in some instances that the continual and habitual grinding of the teeth may actually stimulate bone growth.
If you are dealing with these types of bone growths and you would like to have them looked at then please make it a point to give our office a call at your earliest convenience. We would be glad to answer any questions we can, as well as set up a time for you to come by in person for further evaluation.
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